
Communication in the Vet Field

Communication has a large impact on the veterinarian field; from culture to blogs. It has a lot of influence in the vet practice; communication forms bonds with people and their animals and their vet.

Cultural readings show how a society relies on vets. Such as a mid western society in the US relies on vets to take care of their livestock where as a more urban society will rely on vets to take care of there cats and dog’s and other small animals that are kept for pets. Readings about some cultures that worship a certain animal such as Cows in some Middle Eastern countries will take care of their cows better than they will other animals because they worship cows due to there culture.

Professional journals have a large impact on the veterinarian field. They keep vets up to date on new technological advances in the vet field. Journals also hold information on new laws and legal topics that affect the vet field. Research topics is also discussed a lot in peer reviewed journal articles which helps to inform vets of the new research that is being conducted. With this kind of information vets stay up to date on new ways that other vets have found to medical procedures. They also hold information about continuing education to stay up to date on new topics of the field.

Magazines much like journals hold information on new technologies that have come out. As well as holding information on legal cases and news that can be informative to veterinarians. Like new research being done and news stories about veterinarians.

With technology being a large part of communication in today’s society: Blogs have become a very important source of information for veterinarians. Blogs wrote by other vets are a good source for the most up to date information in both research and other activities in the veterinarian field. Due to the fact that blogs can be updated at anytime that the author wants to write a new post. Blogs wrote by other vets are a great place to find out about new advancements in surgical methods. As well as the opinions that other vets have about current issues and research that is being conducted. However there is the trouble of being able to tell how reliable an author of a blog entry is. Making it harder to be able to know if the information is reliable or not.

Communication is a rather important facet to being a veterinarian; cultural readings, journals, magazines, and blogs all play an important role for veterinarians. It is one of their ways to receive and to give the latest news and advancements in the veterinarian field. Communication in all forms gives way to information that wouldn’t be unlocked by a lot of means other than by means of communicating by written word.

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